I simply cannot recommend it enough!" - Justin Frankel (COCKOS Inc and REAPER Developer). "Up and Running is not only a comprehensive guide to using REAPER, it's also full of an amazing amount of information on audio recording and engineering. Includes special sections on key REAPER features such as routing and audio channel splitting, as well as numerous examples of how to use and apply many of the supplied FX plug-ins. Includes sample project files and step by step examples to help you learn how to use the many features of REAPER. The essential and definitive guide to recording, editing and mixing with REAPER. But will it help you unlock the creativity inside you to help you get the very best out of this program for yourself? Most certainly, yes! Will it teach you everything that you could possibly ever want to know about REAPER? Most definitely not. Its sample work files and dozens of step by step tutorials will help you to understand how you can use these features in combination with each other to make REAPER behave for you the way you want it to. Many resources are supplied, including files with sample mouse modifiers, track templates, custom toolbars and much more.

This book lifts the lid off REAPER's most powerful features, including custom actions, menus and toolbars, FX chains, screensets, snapshots, templates, mouse modifiers and more. “REAPER Unleashed” picks up where "Up and Running".leaves off.

REAPER 4 Unleashed: Unlock Your Inner REAPER!.ReaRead: REAPER books and training manuals printed and bound are now available from.This document has been produced, compiled and rendered to PDF format using the wonderful OpenOffice Writer software.įor more information about OpenOffice go to This guide will be updated regularly as the software itself is further improved and developed.Ĭheck for updates and other information at